One of the most important things when you learn how to surf is to know and respect priorities, which are the base of the surf etiquette.
Priority rules are fundamental, for the security of everybody and for a good atmosphere in the line up.
Most accident or conflicts between surfers are generated by a non-respect of priority rules. So please, do not get into the water if you do not understand the following two rules.

As in this picture, it will probably happen that you have already made your take off when you realize that other surfer was on the wave.
In this case, let the wave as soon as possible to avoid disturbing the other surfer.
If the wave is an A-Frame style, both surfers have priority, but they need to be skilled enough to know on which they have to go.

What I am supposed to do if I have priority but someone is trying to catch the wave or have already jumped my wave?
In this case, you must notify the other surfer that he is wrong, usually with “eh –eh –eh”, which are totally international and works is every place in the world. The first two little “eh” should not be aggressive, but from the third, and if the surfer has not let the wave, you can scream with another voice.
Do I always have to respect this rule?
No, like all rules, there are exceptions to the rule:
- If when you see the other surfer paddling, you notice that he is beginner and there is a high probability for him to wipe out, so you can make your takeoff. If he catches the wave, you will have to let the wave, but if he wipe out, the wave is yours.
- If you see that the other surfer is going to fall because the wave closes out, and you are located after the close out area, so you can make your take off.
- If the surfer who has priority has already jumped two of your waves, you can make your take off.
2. The surfer who rides the wave has the priority over all paddling surfers.
Surfers paddling towards the peak must do everything they can to avoid disturbing surfers who are riding a wave.
If the configuration of the beach and waves make it possible, paddle to the lineup avoiding the wave area.
You will join the lineup faster, with less effort, and will not disturb others surfers.

If this is not possible, and you find yourself in front of a surfer riding a wave, always paddle toward the foam, you will have to duck dive, but will not disturb the other surfer.
You now have no excuses to jump a wave, or to disturb others experienced surfers, share on Facebook, tweeter, google + please! And if you still don´t understand something, just leave your question in the comments!
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Sebas is the passionate creator and founder of Mundo-Surf, a space dedicated to those who live and breathe surfing. With a deep connection to the ocean and an overflowing passion for every wave, Sebas has turned his love for surfing into a mission: to share, inspire, and educate the community.
In addition to being an avid surfer, Sebas is an expert in surfboard manufacturing, an art that combines technique and creativity. Through his blog, he not only offers guides, reviews, and advice but also shares his experience in surfboard creation, helping others understand the process behind each design and material. At Mundo-Surf, Sebas invites us all to discover surfing at its fullest, from the right equipment to the personalized creation of surfboards.