Welcome to the official MundoSurf blog! Here you'll find everything you need to know about surf, bodyboard, and skate. From how to choose the perfect gear to practical tips for improving your technique and making the most of the waves. Not sure how to repair your surfboard or how to pick the best one for you? Don’t worry, we have detailed articles to guide you every step of the way.
Our surfboards are very fragile, and one area that usually suffers a lot is the fin plugs area. A wipe out on a fin, or touch the bottom with a fin can cause a break of the plug or tear off the boa...
Nowadays, quad fins have become very popular, every time we see more surfboards mounted in Quad, fashion or real breakthrough? In this article we will try to answer this question and explain the ma...
In this article we will show you how to mount and dismount your FCS-type surf fins with all types of details; it's somewhat easy to do, but you must keep some things in mind so as not to make a mis...
If you need to know how to put a traction pad on your surfboard, you have come to the right place. This article will explain how to do it, and you’ll see how easy it is. If you follow these steps, ...
This article will explain how to put a leash on your surfboard. Most damage to the tail of the board happens because of a badly placed leash. Attaching a leash that won’t damage the tail is very ea...
Yes, a surfboard split in two can be fixed, and in this article we will explain how. It isn’t easy and is a delicate task, but if you follow the steps of this tutorial, are meticulous, and have the...
Choosing a wetsuit for surfing or bodyboardingis not an easy task, but it is very important, to ensure you are comfortable in the water, that you don't get cold and that you can surf for longer. In...
The tail on your surfboard is one of the most unstable areas, and it receives bumps and blows quite often, both from the ground as well as from the scraping of the leash. This is why we are going t...
The leash, or surf invention, is a very important element of your equipment. It is a safety element that keeps you always tied to your board. It is important that you choose a surf leash that is ap...
The choice of the size of your surfboard is not an easy exercise, as it depends on many parameters: your height, weight, age, physical condition and the type of waves you will surf with this board....
The rails of a surfboard are very sensitive to shock, that´s why I will explain you how to repair it by yourself. In this case, the surfboards has suffered hundreds of miles on a bike racks rental ...
In surf, duck diving means going under a wave with your surfboard, without being pushed back by the wave. It´s not an easy maneuver, but it´s a critical maneuver. Duck Dive is the key if you want t...
You must use a Bodyboard leash, if you don´t want to constantly run behind your board! You can choose between two kind of bodyboard leash: wrist or biceps. The wrist leash is more natural for most ...
Choosing your bodyboard is not easy, there are so many brands and models that it can be quite difficult to make your choice. Here at mundo-surf.com, your professional bodyboard shop, we have select...
Bodyboard fins are indispensable, and their choice is almost as important as the board. The selection criteria’s should be: shape, rigidity, comfort and of course the size.
Fins greatly affect the performance of a surfboard, especially shortboards, fish or hybrids, and especially for experienced surfers performing powerful bottom turns and snaps. Fins are the extensio...
The shape of the bottom is a parameter to consider when choosing your surfboard, since it greatly influences overall performance. We will have a look here at the main types of bottom and its main f...
We will explain you in this post how to repair the nose of your surfboard, which is probably the most fragile part of your board. Knowing how to repair your surfboard by yourself is not only saving...
One of the most important things when you learn how to surf is to know and respect priorities, which are the base of the surf etiquette. Priority rules are fundamental, for the security of everybod...