In surf, duck diving means going under a wave with your surfboard, without being pushed back by the wave.

It´s not an easy maneuver, but it´s a critical maneuver. Duck Dive is the key if you want to ride better and bigers waves.

Also, the more voluminous is your surfboard, the harder it is, so beginners will have it difficult...

With evolutive or mini-malibu surfboards, that´s almost impossible...

But the good news is that you can practice in any conditions, even without waves!

So let´s see hoy to duck dive in 6 steps:


1. Paddle in the direction of the wave

Paddle strongly, it´s important to start your duck dive with speed.

2. Grab the rails of your surfboard

When you arrived at about two meters of the foam, grab the rail of your board, raise your chest, and breath heavily.

3. Push hard on the nose of your surfboard to submerge it

Submerge the nose of your board as deep as possible, pushing hard on it.

4. Submerge the tail of your surfboard

With you back foot, push hard on your tail to submerge the whole board. Some people also do that with their knee.

5. Strongly Grab your board and let the wave passed

If you have made steps 3 and 4 on the right way, and depending of the size of the wave, you should be deep enough, so the wave will not take you back.

6. Push the rear part of your board with your knee, to show up on the other side of the wave

When you feel that the wave has passed, push with your knee on the tail of the surfboard, so the principle of Archimedes will make the job, and you will show up on the other side of the wave.

Promised, we will make a video in a pool to explain that. Meanwhile, here is a video from our last trip to Indo.

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Sebas is the passionate creator and founder of Mundo-Surf, a space dedicated to those who live and breathe surfing. With a deep connection to the ocean and an overflowing passion for every wave, Sebas has turned his love for surfing into a mission: to share, inspire, and educate the community.

In addition to being an avid surfer, Sebas is an expert in surfboard manufacturing, an art that combines technique and creativity. Through his blog, he not only offers guides, reviews, and advice but also shares his experience in surfboard creation, helping others understand the process behind each design and material. At Mundo-Surf, Sebas invites us all to discover surfing at its fullest, from the right equipment to the personalized creation of surfboards.

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