Choosing your bodyboard is not easy, there are so many brands and models that it can be quite difficult to make your choice. Here at, your professional bodyboard shop, we have selected the best bodyboard brands: NMD Bodyboard, Pride Bodyboard, VS Bodyboard, Sniper Bodyboard, Hubboards, Science, QCD, Funkshen, Nomad or Found. Despite this, the range is still huge and it can be difficult to choose the board that best suits your needs. That is why we explain here which criteria you should consider when choosing your bodyboard, in order of importance:
1. The size
Size is the most important criterion, you should choose a board that comes in at the height of your belly button, about 2.5 cm. This table should also help you choose the right size considering your height and ability:
Sizes are given in inches, 1 inch equals 2.54 cm. If you ride small waves, you can choose a bigger board, 1 inch above your belly button to generate more speed. If you are an experienced bodyboarder who rides powerful waves, you can choose your board 1 inch shorter than your belly button for more control at high speed and more maneuverability. Bodyboards lassen sich in zwei Kategorien einteilen: Fledermausschwanz oder Halbmondschwanz. Du solltest einen Crescent Tail wählen, wenn du sowohl Prone als auch Drop Knee fährst. Es ist die beliebteste Art von Schwanz, die vielseitigste. Wenn Sie nur in Bauchlage surfen und mehr Manövrierfähigkeit wünschen, können Sie das Bat Tail ausprobieren, das vom legendären Mike Stewart in den 90er Jahren erfunden wurde. Im Allgemeinen sorgt ein breites Heck für Stabilität und Geschwindigkeit, und ein schmales Heck für Wendigkeit und Kontrolle bei hoher Geschwindigkeit.
Crescent tail Bat tail
2. Materials
The type of foam used in the core greatly affects the weight, stiffness and responsiveness of your bodyboard. The two main foams used in bodyboard construction are polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) and in 2014 NRG was introduced, a low density polypropylene. PE is more flexible and heavier than PP. PP is stiffer and lighter. But beware, this does not mean that PP is always better! The mechanical properties of the foams are affected by the water temperature, cold water makes boards stiffer and hot water makes them more flexible. This means that a PP bodyboard will become very stiff in 15 degree water, which is an advantage in glassy waves (perfectly smooth water surface) and experienced riders, but can become a nightmare in choppy waves as the board will be uncomfortable and heavy to control.
That´s why experienced rider will look for rigid PP bodyboard, while intermediate riders will prefer PE or NRG boards.
Nick Mesritz introduced in 2014 a new foam, called NRG, on the NMD range. That's a low density polypropylene, very light, with a flex between PP and PE. In Europe, where we have high water temperature changes depending on the season and the place, the NRG is a safe bet. The stinger is a fiberglass or carbon tube that is placed in the middle of the board and gives the board more rigidity and durability. The PP is more expensive than the PE, and the stinger also increases the price. We have more than 100 bodyboards in stock all year round so take a look around our shop, use filters to refine your search, you will surely find your perfect board for your budget and if not please contact us !
4. Details that can make the difference...
If after all this you are still hesitating between two similar boards (same size, same tail and same materials), check the extra of the board: finger pads, materials of the slick, colors, pre-shaped or smooth deck, pro model of your favorite rider, etc ... and of course price! We hope this article was understandable, but just in case we made a video to explain. If you liked the article and/or video, please share and subscribe to our YouTube channel: