How to surf if you lack balance?

If you're a beginner surfer, one of your concerns may be how to maintain balance on a surfboard. Don't worry, this concern is very common, more common than you think. Great surfers like Matt 'Mayhem' Biolos didn't develop the stability they have now overnight. That's why if you have an interest and desire to improve this skill, you're already a step ahead. And to give you more guidance on how to stay on your feet on a surfboard, we'll tell you how you can start practicing and exercising your body to increase your balance. Let's get started!   mantenerse de pie en tabla de surf

Exercises to improve balance in surfing

Practice with surfskate

To improve your stability, you can use a surfskate board. It's perfect because it mimics the movement of waves, a true oasis on the asphalt for skate lovers who want to get into the surfing world. Surfskate boards are ideal for practicing and developing stability as they offer a movement very similar to what you experience with waves. If you're unsure where to buy a board of this kind, you can find different models of surfskate boards in our online surf shop. They will provide you with fun while training turns and speed without being in the ocean. For example, you can opt for the Carver Lost Quiver Killer 32" C7 surfskate board, which, thanks to its large surface area, provides stability without sacrificing maneuverability for tricks or turns. With its C7 truck system, it perfectly simulates the movement experienced while surfing, making it your ally in improving your balance and agility in surfing.

Exercise balance with one foot

Basically, it's about maintaining balance using the old trick of standing on one leg. To do this, you should lift one leg and support your entire weight on the opposite foot. You should hold this position for some time, at least for a minute, and then switch legs. This exercise will be beneficial for increasing your stability and helping you progress so that you can enjoy this beautiful sport to the fullest.  

Do exercises on a balance roller

Yes, exercising on a balance roller will help improve your surfing skills. The movement you experience while rolling on the balance roller is similar to the motion of waves, making it a perfect technique to get accustomed to the feeling when you're on a surfboard.  

Use a specific balance board to improve stability

If you want to catch waves with stability, it's highly likely that you'll fall numerous times... To address this, you have the option to practice with balance boards specifically designed to help you in these moments of total frustration while striving to improve your surfing level. They will also be useful for practicing tricks that you can later put into action in the ocean.  

Train your lower body

Training your lower body is essential if you want to stay on your surfboard for more than 20 seconds (we understand that if you're just starting out, it's very likely that you'll fall before that time). That's why exercising your legs should be on your to-do list to become the surfer you desire to be. Exercises such as single-leg deadlifts, squats, lunges, or calf raises will help you surf with greater stability.  

Improve your posture - Keep your back straight!

A hunched posture is the opposite of what you need to be a good surfer. Therefore, it's necessary for you to make an effort and improve your posture. You should always keep your spine vertical, even when you're bending or crouching your knees. Memorize this as a mantra because it will benefit you in falling without getting hurt.   Now that you know everything you can do to improve your stability on the board, all that's left is to put it into practice! Remember that if you have any questions about which board is best for your needs or any equipment related to this sport, Mundo Surf will be happy to assist and guide you. Contact us!

Zie de artikelen van de auteur

Sebas is de gepassioneerde oprichter en bedenker van Mundo-Surf, een plek voor iedereen die leeft en ademt voor surfen. Met een diepe verbinding met de oceaan en een overvloedige passie voor elke golf, heeft Sebas zijn liefde voor surfen omgezet in een missie: de gemeenschap te delen, inspireren en onderwijzen.

Naast een fervent surfer te zijn, is Sebas ook een expert in het maken van surfplanken, een kunst die techniek en creativiteit combineert. Via zijn blog biedt hij niet alleen gidsen, beoordelingen en advies, maar deelt hij ook zijn ervaring in het maken van surfplanken, en helpt anderen het proces achter elk ontwerp en materiaal te begrijpen. Bij Mundo-Surfnodigt Sebas ons allemaal uit om surfen op zijn best te ontdekken, van de juiste uitrusting tot aan het op maat maken van surfplanken.

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