Cleaning your surfboard from the old wax is necessary when your board become ugly, black, with sand, and before applying a new layer of surf wax.
When you get to this point of dirt, it´s definitely time to clean your surfboard!
For this operation, you need a wax comb, wax remover, and a toilet paper roll.
With the flat side of the wax comb, remove as much wax as you can, and make a ball with the old wax.
Main part of the wax have been removed
After that, we will remove the rest of the dirty wax with toilet paper impregnated by wax remover, until your surfboard looks like brand new!
Ready to apply a new layer of wax!
Here's an homemade video, we show you the whole process step by step. If it´s usefull for you, please like and Share !