
In deze hoek van de digitale oceaan vieren we de passie voor surfen in al zijn vormen.

Hier vind je de laatste trends in surfen, praktische tips voor surfers van alle niveaus en alle informatie die je nodig hebt om ten volle van de zee te genieten.

Of je nu op zoek bent naar het perfecte board, de meest epische spots wilt ontdekken, of gewoon verbinding wilt maken met een gemeenschap die je liefde voor de golven deelt, deze ruimte is voor jou gemaakt.

Quad-Fins VS Tri-Fins

Nowadays, quad fins have become very popular, every time we see more surfboards mounted in Quad, fashion or real breakthrough? In this article we will try to answer this question and explain the ma...

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How to mount and dismount your FCS-type surf fins on your surfboard

In this article we will show you how to mount and dismount your FCS-type surf fins with all types of details; it's somewhat easy to do, but you must keep some things in mind so as not to make a mis...

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How to put a traction pad on your surfboard

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How to put a leash on your surfboard

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How to fix the tail of your surfboards

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How to choose a surf leash

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How to choose the size of your surfboard

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Learn how to surf: the duck dive

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How to choose your surfboard´s fins

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How to choose your surfboard: the bottom

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The different types of surfboards

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How to wax your surfboard

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How to clean your surfboard

Cleaning your surfboard from the old wax is necessary when your board become ugly, black, with sand, and before applying a new layer of surf wax. When you get to this point of dirt, it´s definitely...

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How to build a surfboard: the raw materials

Let see all the different raw materials you need to build a surfboard: 1. Foam The foam or blank is used to make the core of the surfboard. It has a high impact on the overall quality of the surfbo...

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