- Sebas
- Surfen
When choosing your surfboard, the first step is to figure out what type of board you need: Shortboard, Funboard, Fish, Hybrids, Mini Malibu or Longboard; depending on your skills and what you want to do with the board.
1. Shortboard
Shortboard surfboards, also known as thrusters, are the most common and used. Shortboards are designed for quick maneuvers and speed. They are light surfboards for a radical surfing as close as possible to the wave impact zone The length of shortboards can vary from 5'8" to 6'10" depending on the weight of the rider and the size of the waves. The bigger the waves, the longer the board needs to be. Diese Boards erfordern ein gutes technisches Niveau und eine gute körperliche Verfassung. Es wäre ein großer Fehler, das Surfen mit einem Shortboard zu lernen...
2. Funboards
Funboards sind Surfbretter für Fortgeschrittene oder Anfänger. Die Form des Tails ähnelt einem Shortboard, aber der mittlere und vordere Teil des Boards ist breiter, um das Board stabil und einfach zu fahren zu machen. Die Länge des Funboards liegt normalerweise zwischen 6'4 "und 6'11"
3. Fish and Hybrids
Those boards are perfect for small and powerless waves, as they are wider and thicker than traditional shortboards. Retro fish and fish carry a swallow tail, with twin fins or quad fins, while hybrids usually come with a very wide squash tail. Those boards are just perfect if you want to spend time in the water during the summer, they are easy and fun to ride.
Hybrids and fish are shorter than shortboards, usually between 5'4 "to 6'4".
4. Mini Malibu
Mini malibu surfboards are perfect for those looking for the feeling of a longboard with more maneuverability.
They are easier to transport out of the water, but once in the water, you benefits from all the advantages of a longboard. They are also perfect for beginners, as a first surfboard.
Length is normaly between 7'8" and 8'6".
5. Longboard
Longboard surfboards are modern replicas of the first surfboards and allow you to ride any type of wave. They are still very popular because they are very versatile and fun for those who know how to use them. Longboards are not for beginners who want to learn how to surf. They require good skills, as you have to walk on your board, depending if you want to turn or to get speed.
Longboard are usually between 9'0 and 9'6".