
Hybrid surfboards

Hybrid surfboards are a mix between shortboard, fish, egg, and mini malibu. They are more affordable and easier to surf than traditional shortboards, while still maintaining good maneuverability. They are increasingly popular because they don't require a high skill level to enjoy and perform well in small waves and/or low-power conditions.

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Hybrid Surfboard FAQ

What is a Hybrid surfboard ?

It 's a surfboard with a mix between fish boards, shortboards and egg boards. We try to take the best of each model to create a very affordable surfboard model that is easy to surf, while maintaining good maneuverability.

What advantages does a hybrid surfboard have ?

Thanks to the shape of these boards, they have added ease when paddling, and also offer extra stability when taking off.

Besides, they are surfboards that usually work very well for all types of conditions, which is why they have become the most popular surfboard models.